From the Home networking connectiondrop-down menu select the Microsoft Hosted Virtual Adapterand click OK button to finish. Download App Install on PC & Laptop What OpenVPN Is Used for OpenVPN is a popular VPN application that available on multiple platforms.The program is not listed in the Windows Settings or Control Panel. Click on the Sharing tab and check Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection option. OpenVPN GUI is a practical and effective VPN solution worth having when you need to.Note: In network connections you will now be able to see a new Microsoft Hosted Virtual Adapter which is labeled as Local Area Connection* X, and with the SSID name we created in the step 6. Right click on the Network Adapter with an internet connection (this could be Ethernet or wireless network) and select Properties.

Authenticate prior to profile download and connection. Superior Authentication Supports 2FA and SAML authentication.

Share Your Internet Connection with a Hosted Network on Windows 10 Once you have created the host network, enter the following command to activate it “netsh wlan start hostednetwork”.Passphrase - The network security key you want users to use to connect to your network (Remember that the passphrase has to be at least 8 characters in length.) SSID - Name you want to identify your wireless network when trying to connect a new device. In the cmd, enter "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Your_SSID key=Your_Passphrase".Close the command prompt and re-open it as mentioned in step 1.If your wireless adapter isn't supported, you could try using a USB wireless adapter that supports this feature. This video will help you configure OpenVPN client on your Windows 10 PC.